Welcome to the flow of life and love
During this online retreat we will have two three hour sessions together live. The recordings from these sessions, not including sharing, will be posted on this page. In addition to the live sessions you will have access to recordings of Discourse in Love, Meditations on Love and guidance to walking meditation.
In this video (9 min) Jem introduces this retreat and page as well as the importance to contribute to conducive conditions for our practice.
Pre-recorded material
These recordings is to support, nourish and guide us during our journey in love!
Discourse on Love
Jem invites the bell and reads the sutra that will be a red thread weaving through this retreat.
Love Meditation: May I
Recording of Love Meditation from Chanting of the Heart focusing on ”May I…”
Song from the Heart
Returning to the rythm and flow of life and love.
What creations want to be expressed through me?
Sing songs that lifts you up, write, paint and dance if you want to…
Love Meditation: May you
Recording of Love Meditation from Chanting of the Heart focusing on ”May You…”
Start with someone close to you.
Then you can expand and embrace others.
Images and calligraphy
for inspiration