Living in Love – Online Retreat Homepage

Welcome to the flow of life and love

During this online retreat we will have two three hour sessions together live. The recordings from these sessions, not including sharing, will be posted on this page. In addition to the live sessions you will have access to recordings of Discourse in Love, Meditations on Love and guidance to walking meditation.
In this video (9 min) Jem introduces this retreat and page as well as the importance to contribute to conducive conditions for our practice.

Enjoying Living in Love

Creating conditions

Make a space in your home that is beautiful. Maybe you want to have a candle and a flower next to you when you listen and practice.
There are practices sitting, laying down and walking slowly, as well as a video with qigong movements.
Please have pen and paper available for reflection excercises.
When and how you want to practice is up to you, maybe a focused weekend, maybe spreadout as a theme of your practice over time.

For you in 2025

You will have access to this page through the whole of 2025.

So you can revisit the material when you feel the need or inspiration.

Please do not share this page with friends. But feel free to share about the course and your experience.

If your friends feel the inspiration and intention, they can register and get access on their own.

Loving all parts of myself

We invite our whole selves to join for this practice.
We allow ourselves to touch care, tenderness and compassion for ourselves.

Welcome and setting intention for the course – Video 3 min

Walking Meditation

Go out into the fresh air outside. If you are able enjoy this walking meditation in nature or in the park. You can be in touch with nature, the sky, a tree, around you wherever you are.

Introduction to walking – 9 min


Find a calm and comfortable place to sit for this guided loving kindness meditation

Listen and Practice – 29 min


Jem shares on the topic of loving kindness, trust, respect and inclusiveness.
Reflection exercise concludes, have pen and paper available.

Enjoy! Video – 33 min

Deep Relaxation

Allow yourself to rest.

Helpful to lye down for this practice, or sit with support under, around and behind you.

Listen and Practice – 30 min

Loving others and the world

We have allowed ourselves to settle in, relax and nourish ourselves. From a grounded place withing we will now share our love and compassion with others and the world.

Inspiration through poetry and gathas – 5 min video8 brokades of qigong – 18 min video

Walking meditation

Go out into the fresh air outside. If you are able enjoy this walking meditation in nature or in the park. You can be in touch with nature, the sky, a tree, around you wherever you are.

Introduction to walking – 7 min

Sitting meditation

Open to receive support, embrace and compassion

Listen and Practice – 17 min


Jem shares on the topic of compassion, inclusiveness, languages of love…
Reflection exercise concludes, have pen and paper available.

Enjoy! Video 37 min

of love

This is a continued practice of reverence and compassion, slowly walking, sitting and finally touching the earth

A 40 min session

Pre-recorded material

These recordings is to support, nourish and guide us during our journey in love!

Discourse on Love

Jem invites the bell and reads the sutra that will be a red thread weaving through this retreat.


Love Meditation: May I

Recording of Love Meditation from Chanting of the Heart focusing on ”May I…”


Song from the Heart

Returning to the rythm and flow of life and love.
What creations want to be expressed through me?
Sing songs that lifts you up, write, paint and dance if you want to…


Love Meditation: May you

Recording of Love Meditation from Chanting of the Heart focusing on ”May You…”
Start with someone close to you.
Then you can expand and embrace others.
